Grain-free Coconut and Almond Porridge

Grain-free Coconut and Almond Porridge

I'm a great believer in a substantial breakfast, it sets you up for the day and stops those crazy blood sugar drops which lead you to make bad food choices. I've come up with a few quick but filling breakfasts since being AIP and Paleo, this is one of my favourites. Good levels of healthy fats which give you that sated feeling and packed to the nines with nutrition. The ground nuts and seeds give you a good whack of protein to get the brain firing on all cylinders and the vitamins and minerals are further ramped up by the berries (which are thankfully lower in fructose than other fruits.) I can power through for a good few hours on this and a vegetable juice, which is impressive as nothing usually leaves me feeling full for long. 

The beauty of this is that you can make it up ready the night before and you're set to go for a faff free morning. I often pop these in the smaller kilner type jars, these fit an 'Angie' sized portion in very well. 

Grain-free Coconut and Almond Porridge


  • Coconut yogurt (see my recipe here
  • 1 tblsp of pumpkin seeds
  • 1 tblsp of chia seeds
  • 1 tblsp of sunflower seeds
  • 1 tblsp flaxseeds (I mix larger quantities of these seeds together in a big jar and keep it in the fridge ready)
  • 1 tblsp of ground nuts (I grind a variety of walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds in my blender and just keep a jar of it in the fridge ready)
  • 1/2 cup of mixed berries 
  • 1 banana (if you fancy this dish a bit sweeter) 
  • 1 tblsp of flaked coconut
  • 1/2 tsp Vanilla powder


  • Whack it all in a bowl and charge yourself up for the day ahead.