When My Energy Crashes, My Mood Crashes....What's Going On?

Fatigue, mood swings, and a general feeling of malaise are common symptoms experienced by people with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). These conditions not only affect physical health but also impact mental well-being. Anyone who has had an energy crash and seen their mood plummet too will know this all too well. Understanding the concept of evolved sickness behaviour can provide valuable insights into why these symptoms occur and how they influence our mood and energy levels.

What is Evolved Sickness Behaviour?

Evolved sickness behaviour refers to the innate response of the body to infection or illness. It is an adaptive mechanism that conserves energy and directs resources towards fighting off pathogens or recovering from illness. When the body detects an invading pathogen, it triggers a cascade of physiological responses, including the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which signal the brain to induce sickness behaviour. Sickness behaviour is also intertwined with a survival strategy meaning that the effects of the pro-inflammatory cytokines on the body invokes care from others effectively signaling the need for care and support from others..

Why Does it Happen?

Evolved sickness behaviour has evolved over millions of years as a survival mechanism. When faced with infection or illness, our ancestors needed to conserve energy to allow for recovery and enhance their chances of survival. By experiencing symptoms such as fatigue, lethargy, and decreased motivation, individuals were more likely to rest, conserve energy, and allow the body to focus on fighting off the infection. Our ancestors, navigating the hazards of the natural world, relied on cues of sickness to invoke care and assistance from their social group. We are community creates and so much of our biology has evolved for this. Symptoms such as fatigue, lethargy, and reduced motivation served as visible signals, compelling fellow tribe members to provide support, thereby enhancing the chances of survival and recovery for the individual and the group as a whole.

Impact on Mood

One of the most significant effects of evolved sickness behaviour is its impact on mood. So many of my 1:1 clients always mention their confusion at their mood dropping when they experience an energy crash. Pro-inflammatory cytokines released during illness and inflammation can cross the blood-brain barrier and affect neurotransmitter function in the brain therefore messing with our emotions and mood regulation. These mood disturbances including feelings of sadness, irritability, and anxiety can be prolonged and severe, increasing the burden of the condition and underscoring the need for empathetic care from others.

Energy Levels and Fatigue

Evolved sickness behaviour also influences energy levels and fatigue. The body redirects energy away from non-essential functions, such as physical activity and cognitive processes, towards immune function and tissue repair. This results in feelings of fatigue, weakness, and reduced stamina. In ME/CFS, dysfunction in energy metabolism pathways further adds to these symptom, leading to profound and debilitating fatigue that is not relieved by rest and amplifying the need for supportive care.

Managing Evolved Sickness Behaviour in ME/CFS

Understanding the underlying mechanisms of evolved sickness behaviour can inform strategies for managing symptoms in individuals with ME/CFS. By tackling the root causes of sick behaviour such as inflammation and immune activation you can support mood regulation caused by sickness behaviour:

  1. Addressing Inflammation: Targeting inflammation through diet, lifestyle modifications, and targeted supplements can support the root causes of sickness behaviour symptoms.

  2. Rest and Recovery: Prioritising rest and allowing the body time to experience ‘true rest’ (rest where you accepting where you’re at and not going through you ‘to do’ list or feeing guilty for resting) is essential for managing fatigue and supporting immune function.

  3. Stress Management: Chronic stress can increase and even cause inflammation and worsen mood disturbances. Incorporating stress management techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, and relaxation exercises can help alleviate these effects.

  4. Nutritional Support: Providing the body with essential nutrients and antioxidants can support immune function, improve inflammation responses and enhance energy production, helping to mitigate the impact of sickness behaviour.

  5. Nurturing Social Support: Cultivating a supportive network of family, friends, and key therapeutic professionals plays a pivotal role in navigating the challenges of ME/CFS, providing emotional solace and practical assistance in times of need. And that’s where I can help both through my Facebook group: Fatigued To Fantastic and in my 1:1 nutrition support for chronic fatigue issues.

Evolved sickness behavior is a fundamental aspect of the body's response to infection and illness. In individuals with ME/CFS, dysregulation of this response can lead to profound fatigue, mood changes, and impaired quality of life. By understanding the underlying mechanisms of sickness behaviour and working with a Functional Medicine Nutritionist like myself to coach you to implement personalised diet, nutrition and lifestyle guidance you can support the underlying root causes of sickness behaviour. If you’d like to speak to me about working together 1:1 to support your mood and energy changes hit the button below to book a complimentary 30 min Health Transformation Strategy Call.