Creamy Coconut Coffee

Creamy Coconut Coffee

Phew! I made it to the holidays. The last few days/week of any teachers term seems to be a bit of a slog. I love my job but it seems that those in the teaching profession always end up metaphorically crawling to the last day of term. There are those out there that can explain why far better than me, I'll leave it to them.

I limit my caffeine intake to 2-3 cups a week. I make it an occasion, worth waiting for and I keep it for the weekends. I find if I start drinking coffee during the week it starts to build into a daily habit which doesn't leave me feeling tiptop. But yesterday (the last day of term) I needed something a bit more just to get me through to the end of the day. I hit the coffee and it hit the spot!

There is lots of contradicting evidence about coffee, it's dehydrating, effects absorption of nutrients and it is not good for the adrenals, to mention but a few. More and more research is now shedding light on some of the benefits of drinking coffee. Well, let's clarify.....drinking good coffee! I get mine from here. I'm not talking about freeze dried instant horrid stuff but the filtered (preferably organic) ground coffee. 

Caffeine itself is a toxic chemical but when mixed with the antioxidants, bioflavonoids, vitamins and minerals found in coffee it's toxic effects are balanced and diminished. Recent studies have shown that it can actually help reduce the chances of developing type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's disease (to the point drug companies are now researching how to use these properties), Stroke and various different cancers. In addition it's been found to have a beneficial effect on gut flora!  

Like anything it's best used in moderation, it becomes a far more enjoyable habit as a result! I now can't drink coffee in cafes as the stuff I get at home is so good everything else never comes up to scratch. I do use sugar, I like my coffee sweet. To try and make this less of an impact I use molasses sugar which is a good source of minerals and B vitamins. I do also sometimes whizz it up with a medjool date instead for sweetness. 

Cutting out dairy was a real bind when I first started on AIP, I didn't have it a my coffee a few times a week and the occasional cheese on toast late night feast but I did miss the those occasions. Using coconut oil far surpasses milk for me now, I'd never go back even if I could.  

 Creamy Coconut Coffee



  • Put all the ingredients in a blender (I use this one here) and whizz up until it looks like milky frothy coffee.  
  • Pour, drink and enjoy!