Everything's Orange Juice

Everything's Orange Juice


This juice is an anti-inflammatory shot. I came up with it recently after managing to break myself getting back to some more intensive yoga after a year of relatively little exercise. I really did have a major yoga hangover the next day; i'd managed to pull my neck quite badly and was aching so much I couldn't get up out of a chair. I'd like to say I took it all in my stride and wisely learnt a lesson about taking it more slowly in future. But lets face it......when have I ever done that? Nope, I whinged, moaned and eventually went to bed so sleep off my grumpiness! But during my yoga hangover I did everything I could to relieve the pain (apart from taking painkillers if you want to know why click here) and this anti-inflammatory juice was part of it. Plus A LOT of magnesium oil, an epsom bath or two, a few castor oil packs and a shedload of rest. Two days later and i'm back to my normal (much more buoyant) self (much to my chap's relief) and ready to get back into re-conditioning my body. Well in a few more days anyway. 

Everything's Orange Juice


  • 2 small oranges
  • 6 large carrots
  • 1 medium sized butternut squash
  • 2 or 3' inch pieces of tumeric root.
  • 3' inch piece of ginger root.


  • Wash all the fruit and vegetables. 
  • Peel your oranges.
  • Prepare the produce dependent on the needs of your juicer. 
  • Juice and drink! 

NB Save the pulp and make some squashed carrot muffins (recipe coming soon)